woensdag 13 januari 2010

Róisín Murphy


It's been a while, but today I would like to share the new (ly leaked...) remix of Momma's Place, Róisín Murphy's new single. Well, not a real single, since there's no album, but it's a new song.
Official release is on January 18th via AWAL, as soon as it's on I will put a link here.
But for now, enjoy the remix and the original here.

Momma's Place is a real banger! As expected nothing like Ruby Blue or Overpowered, though.
But then again, that's what we love about Róisín. This time it's true electro-house, with power.

Momma's Place:

The C90's Remix of Momma's Place:


1 opmerking:

  1. Nice! Kunnen we binnenkort ook een nieuw album van Róisín verwachten?
